Justin Carroll

Founder / Owner

Justin Carroll is the founder & owner of Oasis Malibu Sober Living.

Dedicated to the battle against addiction, Justin is a hard-fought champion in the treatment world. To date he’s spearheaded over 300 interventions, 25 extractions, and  numerous LPS conservatorships.

As a top rehabilitation consultant and team manager, he’s been involved in designing many treatment facilities, their therapeutic models and operations.  Fully cognizant of the nuanced nature of trauma, Justin has also created and managed custom, individualized treatment programs and crisis management for high profile and /or  high acuity situations.

His work is a personal agenda.  Justin had the great privilege of growing up between Greece, Rome and London. His father, as well as a world renowned travel author and historian,  served as a Diplomat to the United Nations for over 38 years.  In a 400 year old family tradition, Justin attended the best British boarding schools and after finishing up in Rome, moved to Los Angeles. After success in the entertainment industry Justin quickly came to understand the predatory temptations that seemingly surround the space. Fighting his own demons and suffering from un treated trauma, Justin battled with addiction for many years. Finally finding peace after enrolling in an intensive trauma program.

Justin has a passion for helping others that is well known in the addiction treatment world and he has a simple philosophy…Work hard, play hard and don’t take yourself too seriously! Justin believes in order to build a fulfilling life, one has to address the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional components. Oasis was created to provide the tools for each client to forge a path to the life of their dreams.

Oasis is the fruition of all the above. Delivering on the full power of Justin’s vision and experience, staffed by hand-picked professionals, Oasis is the new standard for aftercare addiction solution and sober living.

Sean Brosnan

House Director

Educated in England at the top British boarding school, Millfield and graduated with Honors. Sean went onto receive a bachelor’s in English literature at the Royal School of Speech and Drama. He is currently completing his Masters in Clinical Psychology and has been a Professional Life Coach for the past five years working with the world’s top athletes, models, musicians, CEO’s and actors.

Sean has seen his success as a professional actor in theatre, film and TV. At the age of 21 Sean was cast as Romeo in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” with the prestigious British Shakespeare Company. He toured Europe for a full year before heading off to South Africa for 8 months to star in HBO’s “GENERATION KILL” which was nominated for 11 emmys. Sean has starred in over a dozen feature films alongside some of Hollywood’s biggest icons.

Sean is a professional writer having penned, produced and sold numerous screenplays whilst simultaneously raising millions of dollars for production. Sean made his directorial debut in 2016 with the adaptation of the prolific 18th century play by J.M. Synge titled “Playboy of the Western World.” Sean currently writes for Talk House Magazine and is finishing a Novel that recounts his wayward youth and a car accident that stopped his heart twice and forced Sean to learn how to walk again.

Losing both his mother and sister to ovarian cancer, Sean has experienced firsthand the perils of tragedy and grief. Since then he’s devoted much of his time to helping those in need working as a sober companion, a fearless advocate for intervention and a grief and loss aid. Sean has been in the world of recovery for the past ten years and has now made it his life mission to help those who still struggle with trauma and addiction to find their success, balance and inner peace.

Sean is happily married to his life partner and friend Sanja Banic, a successful personal trainer and nutritionist. They have a beautiful three year old daughter and live in the mountains of Malibu.

Sean firmly believes that a life of meaning is more powerful than a life of expediency, and that a life of purpose can overcome any adversity.


Residential Program Director

Sims hails from the East Coast and has traded in her snow shoes for flip flops. She was raised in Connecticut and went to Lehigh University where she majored in Psychology. Her work hard/play hard attitude became more of a burden as her nights shifted from a few drinks with the friends, to a few bottles alone. By the end of her spiral, she had lost the ability to ask for help and was sent to a treatment center in Malibu California by her loving family.

Once sober, Sims and her younger sister joined in her mother’s lifelong dream to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. She committed herself to months of Santa Monica stair training, breath work, and manifesting her visualizations in order to complete her goal of getting to the top. Reaching the summit in 6 days, she proved to herself how there’s no feat too great, no mountain too high (as it were) that she couldn’t overcome. An experience she said gave her even more reason to feel both grateful and humbled by all that life has to offer, having discovered how to embrace the opportunities around her. She was surprised to find so much power that had been suppressed or dismissed during her period of self-doubt and isolation. Daily meditations combined with program work and therapy keep that inner light shining and she’s constantly looking for new passions to explore.

After taking the vital time needed to work on herself, Sims decided to re-focus her passion, time and knowledge towards helping those still suffering from the disease of addiction, and afflicted by trauma. Sims has been deeply entrenched within the recovery community, a shining light to all those lost in the darkness. She enjoys sharing her story as well as what she has learned along the way, and understands the importance of finding a trusted guide to help one find the right path to a healthier, happier life. A true testament to the courage of change, and the power of willingness. We here at The Oasis Malibu are blessed to have her as a part of our team.

Sanja Brosnan

Director of Nutrition and Fitness

Sanja provides results driven personal training with a customized approach that includes fitness and body metric assessments for benchmarking, and nutritional programs for guidance. Sanja helps high-performing female executives, driven entrepreneurs and busy moms get fit, lose weight and maintain a balanced lifestyle. “I’m passionate about helping women look good, feel better and take charge of their health and well-being!” 

Sanja works closely with her clients to create regimes that are challenging, dynamic, and she does it in a way that is customized to each individual, creating strategies and action plans that take the big picture into account. Sanja can help you figure out exactly what you need to do to live a healthy life. Sanja believes that fitness isn’t just about running on the treadmill, and good nutrition isn’t just about no carbs. 

Sanja’s expert qualifications include: ACE Personal Trainer |  ISSA Precision Nutrition Coach | Certified Pre/Post Natal Instructor | Certified Pilates Instructor.

Our lives don’t fit neatly into boxes or off-the-shelf programs. We all have different lifestyles, physiologies and motivators. Strategies best-suited to one individual may not work for someone else.” – Sanja Brosnan


Michael Baily

Adventure Manager

Michael Baily was born and raised in Malibu California. Michael’s athletic talents were evident from a young age as he shined in basketball, baseball and soccer. However, it wasn’t until his mid teens that his true talent rose to the surface.

On his sixteenth birthday his mother bought him his first surfboard and a mere two years later after constant focus and commitment he landed a sponsorship deal. Michael left the professional surfing world to pursue teaching his knowledge in climbing, fishing, scuba-diving, kite surfing, and advanced hiking. Check out the link to his website for more information.

Jerry Wolf

Certified Personal Trainer - since 2005

Jerry offers convenient Home, Gym or Outdoor sessions. Emphasizing proper form and measurable success, Jerry supports his clients in managing their weight and sculpting their bodies by prioritizing motions in need of rehabilitation to improve overall posture, mobility and wellness.

Training as a collegiate Water Polo and Baseball athlete at Brown University and continuing his education working with the Human Garage in Venice, California, Jerry is proficient in multiple disciplines to prepare, train and care for the human body using advanced neurokinetic and trigger point release techniques.

Jill de Jong

Jill is a sought-after celebrity trainer,  health coach and chef. She has helped many clients to be in the best shape of their life, both physically and mentally.

 Jill is passionate about helping others to find better ways to move, eat, deal with stress, and design action steps for all that they want to achieve in life.  

 Her upbeat and warm personality makes you feel safe and motivated to embrace change and implement new habits.

 “My mission is to inspire you to make better choices for yourself in all areas of life. I’ll support you to get BIG results by making small changes!”

Nathaniel Hodder-Shipp

Professional Healer

Nathaniel Hodder-Shipp, B.Msc, CADC-II, is President and Founder of Breathwork for Recovery and has worked as a professional healer for almost a decade. Using an arsenal of techniques with a special focus on breathwork, Nathaniel has helped thousands of people process trauma, disarm negative thought patterns, and maintain healthy and happy relationships with themselves and loved ones. Nathaniel’s client base ranges from those seeking relief from everyday anxiety to people suffering from severe emotional and physical trauma and desperate for help, and his specialty includes working in addiction treatment facilities to help accelerate clients’ journey to recovery.

It was in treatment where Nathaniel first discovered breathwork, following ongoing struggles with addiction and several failed attempts at suicide. He was disconnected, at odds with his own integrity, and running away from life, but everything changed once Nathaniel discovered breathwork. His skepticism and resistance to traditional healing techniques dissolved as he saw how swiftly the practice shifted his perspective on life, love and sobriety. After leaving treatment, Nathaniel became certified by David Elliott to teach this kind of powerful healing to others and since then, has studied substance use disorder, sexual abuse, and other trauma to offer clients comprehensive and professional care. With this unique perspective and skillset, Nathaniel works full time helping empower people to make the necessary changes in their lives toward long-term health and happiness.

Nathaniel was trained to facilitate breathwork professionally and has completed the David Elliott Healer Training series multiple times. He also is the founder of The Recovery Circle, a weekly support group led by trained breathwork professionals to offer an effective alternative to traditional 12-step programs.