Custom Programs

At The Oasis Malibu we can customize a specific program to fit any client needs. It’s one of the luxuries of only having a max capacity of eight clients at a time… Here are just a few.

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This program is for people who have had treatment experience or considerable previous lengths of sobriety, lower acuity trauma, anxiety and depression issues. Often paying again for three months of in patient treatment can be financially overwhelming and not necessarily always the solution. Many of the great treatment centers we work with have outpatient facilities that can provide the same level of therapeutic tools. And to be clear, we don’t provide detox or treatment. If however this isn’t your first rodeo you may qualify for our reboot program. We can customize an individualized program specifically for you. Please feel free to ask us for more information.




Let’s be honest, being a recovering alcoholic/addict is challenging, being a creative is challenging. So when you are a creative and an addict, well, it’s really really challenging . At The Oasis Malibu we are well equipped to help the already established artist, the up and comer or the newly hatched creative who wants to fulfill their passion. We can provide a specific recovery packages curtailed just for you. We can set you up with established sober artists who will guide you on your path towards long term sobriety.

We are affiliated with the top agencies, from CAA to WME, and have  numerous resources within the music and art scene. We will walk with you every step of the way as you navigate through a well structured plan put together in order to help you on your way to success.


Want to build new neural pathways?  Want to have some fun? Why not learn to play a song on the guitar, or piano? Learn to paint? Learn to sing? Learn to dance?  Write  a screenplay? Make a short film?.. At The Oasis, we encourage you to be creative, to learn new things to expand your natural creative self. We believe these things improve your brain, express your soul and add to a fulfilling life, a life of passion and purpose.


Entrepreneurs are unique, they think outside the box, they are willing to make risky decisions and march to the beat of their own drum.  Most successful entrepreneurs have failed many times before they succeeded. Part of the challenge is how we handle failure or the perception of it. At The Oasis Malibu it is our goal to help you succeed by helping you to find the right people to surround yourself with, building a philosophy that does not include self destruction in the face of failure and inspiring you to  get the next spark of inspiration.

Entrepreneurs are creatives whose trauma  and/or addiction have driven them off their life path. We can set you up with one of our mentors in your field and support you by keeping you accountable to your goals. For it is our goal to see you succeed in whatever it is you want to do.  Whether it’s your clothing line, digital platform or hotel in space. We will help you on your journey.


By far the greatest accomplishment one can make is the decisions to take control of one’s life. To admit they have a problem and then do something about it! That is a colossal undertaking and not to be taken lightly. A lot of us find that once we get sober we realize we don’t really know what it is we want to do with our lives let alone who we are! We don’t even know what hobbies we like, what our values are and how we fit into the world as a whole.

It can be daunting to say the least, but at The Oasis Malibu we will gently introduce you to a whole host of activities, people, educational programs, and career opportunities. Building a rounded, solid life through OASIS FUNDAMENTALS  will put you in a place to get clarity and be the best version of you, from this healthy positive place ideas and dreams emerge. Often in life, we need to try some of the things we think we might like to do, sometimes we find out after trying it, we don’t actually like it! Other times we fall in love and a career starts to unfold. If you’re healthy in mind, body and soul, it will all become clear.

At Oasis, we believe in supporting you as you develop and integrate these fundamentals in your life. We have close ties to UCLA and Antioch University, to name but a few. The opportunities are endless and the world is abundant.


The Oasis Malibu can help shape a specific program to fit with the demanding schedules of Executives and Professionals seeking to regroup and refocus before jumping back into their careers.   As with all our clients anonymity is our main priority, the business of each client is handled with discretion and respect.

We can put together a dynamic, highly qualified and discrete team that will work closely with you at all times so that you always have support. Our goal is to assure a smooth transition back into your career whilst providing you with the tools necessary to support a long term, balanced, sober and successful life.


If you’re an athlete, then you already know how much focus, time and dedication goes into being a peak performer. A lot of times athletes find themselves with drug or alcohol problems after suffering from an injury that requires pain medication. Unfortunately the same obsession, dopamine rush and work hard, play hard attitude can subtly shift from your passion to an addiction.

At The Oasis Malibu we can help you find a balance in your life whilst still maintaining a healthy competitive attitude. We want you to be number one, not just in your field but in life. We can help build you an individualized road map to get you back into the game whilst walking, running or swimming with you every step of the way. There are quite a few well documented scientific links between addiction and athletes. We have attached one below from The University of Alberta.